Which application is right for you

Below are two types of applications to access MCTEU funding. 


This application applies to an INDIVIDUAL seeking funding to attend a training course or program to further enhance their skills and become more employable in the work force. Use this application if you are applying for (click  to expand):  

Upon completion of employment counselling, an individual may be eligible for participation in a course purchase that provides skills training for the individual who has identified an employment opportunity requiring specific training.

Normal support of these interventions include course fees and materials. Income support (basic training allowances and/or supplementary allowances for child care, living away from home, disability, and travel assistance) may be included depending on need and availability of funds.

Mobility provides financial assistance for travel to a verified interview or an employment medical appointment. One-time travel assistance can be provided to individuals at the start of verified new employment. Eligibility requirements may apply as per policy.   

Relocation provides assistance to eligible participants who have verified full time/permanent employment to another area where the total distance is in excess of 150kms. Eligibility requirements may apply as per policy.  

Employment Start-Up can provide financial assistance to eligible individuals who have been successful in finding employment and require specific items in order to begin their employment, such as personal protective equipment (PPE), safety footwear, safety equipment or occupation specific supplies, tools or equipment.

Financial assistance in overcoming barriers when preparing or looking for employment i.e. License, Criminal records check, Drivers abstract, medical examinations, etc. Conditions may apply.

Disability Supports could include transportation, child care, costs for attendant travel companion, can be negotiated based on need, as part of any program application/proposal submission. Employers/sponsor may be eligible for the costs of specialized equipment or modifications to the workplace for the participant. Conditions may apply as per policy. 



This application applies to ORGANIZATIONS or BUSINESSES seeking funding to train multiple people in a course/program or to hire an individual to further enhance their skills on-the-job. Use this application if your applying for (click to expand):  

To stimulate community development that will continue to develop long term employment, business opportunities and human resources. 

Areas of training can include but are not limited to mining, housing, construction, tourism, business, health, traditional and cultural, hydro, seasonal work  and infrastructure. 

Conditions may apply as per policy.

To assist businesses and organizations enhance their employees current skill set and/or retrain employees whose skills have been made redundant through technological, market changes or by legislation and regulation changes. 

Conditions may apply as per policy. 

Financial assistance for individuals seeking on the job training to enhance their skills and gain work experience with a participating business and/or organization. 

Eligible costs include a subsidized wage and mandatory employment related costs (MERC’s). Conditions may apply as per policy.   

Job Creation Partnerships provide opportunities for unemployed workers, who are EI eligible, to maintain and develop their skills in order to re-enter the labour market.

  • The employment must consist of at least 35 hrs per week,
  • Is comprised of tasks which will not duplicate or compete with existing services or displace work normally performed by existing or laid-off employees,
  • Must be activities other than the regular on-going activity of the sponsor
  • Must be specific projects designed for community enhancement or growth.

Disability Supports could include transportation, child care, costs for attendant travel companion, can be negotiated based on need, as part of any program application/proposal submission. Employers/sponsor may be eligible for the costs of specialized equipment or modifications to the workplace for the participant. Conditions may apply as per policy.